Mountain Lake Colloquium for Teachers of General Music Methods, Pembroke, VA
This interactive session features collaborative currere to reconceptualize, analyze, and synthesize accounts of transformative work. We describe themes of design, experience, and iteration in relation to traditional and innovative practices.
Tobias, E., Bickmore, I., Bledsoe, R., & Rathgeber, J. (2015, May). Design & iteration for
transformation. Plenary session presented at the Mountain Lake Colloquium from Teachers of
General Music Method, Pembroke, VA.
Tobias, E., Bickmore, I., Bledsoe, R., & Rathgeber, J. (2015, May). Design & iteration for
transformation. Plenary session presented at the Mountain Lake Colloquium from Teachers of
General Music Method, Pembroke, VA.