I’ve been wondering a lot about what could be in music education. If we stopped, momentarily, thinking about what is and what logistically can be, what might we imagine for music education. What types of musicking would we put forwards? What new “models,” for lack of a better word, might we develop? How might music education look if we thought beyond the ins and outs of the day-to-day classroom life? This is not to say that what is happening now is not important, far from it. However, the present can often cloud our visions of the future. If we dreamed of music education’s future in new ways we might be able to develop a different trajectory that could have profound impacts upon our classrooms and the students who’s musical lives we interact with every day.
So, with that stated, let’s dream, let’s imagine, let’s share our wonderments about what music education could be. To facilitate this, I’ve started the hashtag #whatifmusiced to help us keep track of the wonderfully brilliant ideas we generate. Some people are already making use of it as a space to imagine. Now it’s your turn. Ready, set, go… dream away.
So, with that stated, let’s dream, let’s imagine, let’s share our wonderments about what music education could be. To facilitate this, I’ve started the hashtag #whatifmusiced to help us keep track of the wonderfully brilliant ideas we generate. Some people are already making use of it as a space to imagine. Now it’s your turn. Ready, set, go… dream away.